For 2015 the consensus of the earnings per share of HHLA is at profit of 76 cents. Based on this the price/earnings-ratio equals 17,79.
The stock HHLA is covered by 9 analysts. The average target price for HHLA is at 13,78 euros. This is 1 percent more than the current stock price of 13,52 euros.
The stocks Expeditors Int., VTG and Takkt in the sector The transport / logistic sector have the most buy recommendations. The 3 most recent recommendations for the transport / logistic sector were provided by Nord Landesbank (hold, 13,00 euros), M.M. Warburg & Co. (hold, 14,50 euros) and Hauck & Aufhauser (hold, 12,00 euros).
HHLA 's book value/price equals 0,40. The transport / logistic sector now trades at a Shiller PE of 7.91. The stock now trades at 13,52 euros. This equals 16 times the 2014's earnings per share.