For 2015 the consensus of the earnings per share of Walt Disney is at profit of 5,66 dollars. Based on this the price/earnings-ratio equals 16,74.
The consensus of the dividends per share is at 1,39 dollars.Consequently the dividend return is around 1,47 percent. On average the stocks in this sector yield a dividend return of around 1,39 percent.
The stock Walt Disney is covered by 9 analysts. The average target price for Walt Disney is at 119,62 dollars. This is 22 percent more than the current stock price of 94,77 dollars.
The stocks Electronic Arts, Kinepolis Group and Walt Disney in the sector entertainment sector have the most buy recommendations. The 3 most recent recommendations for the entertainment sector were provided by Morgan Stanley (hold, 108,00 dollars), ABN AMRO (hold, 134,00 dollars) and Barclays (hold, 100,00 dollars).
Walt Disney's book value/price equals 0,27. The entertainment company now trades at a Shiller PE of 512.46. The stock now trades at 94,77 dollars. This equals 19 times the 2014's earnings per share.