Adecco in top Swiss dividend returns

Investors in Adecco can expect a huge dividend payment. Based on the recent analysts' consensus the stock now has one of the highest dividend returns of the Swiss market. 0For this year the analysts expect a dividend of 2.51 CHF per share. Thus the dividend yield equals 7.29 percent. The average dividend yield of the employment agencies equals an attractive 4.82 percent.

Historical dividend returns Adecco

Over the current book year the company from Zuerich could achieve a revenue around 24 billion CHF (consensus estimates). This is slightly more than 2022's revenue of 23.96 billion CHF.

Historical revenues and results Adecco plus estimates 2023


Adecco Auckland ©


The analysts expect for 2023 a net profit of 553 million CHF. For this year the consensus of the result per share is a profit of 3.3 CHF. So the price/earnings-ratio equals 10.44.

Based on the current number of shares Adecco 's market capitalization equals 5.76 billion CHF.

Historical stock prices Adecco past 17 years

fundamental research adecco

At 15.42 the stock trades 0.75 percent lower at 34.44 CHF. Nieuwsdienst: +31 084-0032-842

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