Federman & Sherwood Investigates AuthoraCare Collective for Data Breach

OKLAHOMA CITY, March 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into AuthoraCare Collective with respect to their recent data breach. On August 22, 2024, AuthoraCare became aware of technical issues related to systems in its network. Upon discovery, AuthoraCare took immediate action to secure its network and to address and investigate the incident, which included engaging outside IT experts to investigate. After a thorough investigation AuthoraCare learned that an unauthorized actor gained access to its systems between August 18, 2024 and August 22, 2024. After a comprehensive data review, it was determined that the following personal information was accessed or acquired by the unauthorized actor: individuals name, Social Security number and medical diagnosis.

If you wish to discuss this action, obtain further information, and/or participate in this litigation, please contact Tiffany Peintner either by email at trp@federmanlaw.com or visit our firm’s website www.federmanlaw.com:

Tiffany Peintner
10205 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73120