Intershop Holding AG successfully issues a Green Bond in the amount of CHF 100 million

Intershop Holding AG / Key word(s): Issue of Debt
Intershop Holding AG successfully issues a Green Bond in the amount of CHF 100 million
24.10.2024 / 17:45 CET/CEST

Intershop Holding AG today successfully issued a fixed-rate bond of CHF 100 million with a coupon of 1.5 % with a term of five years. The capital raised will be used to finance and refinance the sustainable development and renovation of real estate in accordance with Intershop's Green Bond Framework, which is available on the company's website.

UBS and Zürcher Kantonalbank (Joint-Lead Managers) and Basler Kantonalbank (Co-Manager) coordinated the placement. Application will be made for admission to listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

Company portrait

Intershop is the oldest real estate company listed at SIX Swiss Exchange and invests primarily in commercial properties in Switzerland. As at 30 June 2024, the portfolio comprised 44 properties with a rentable area of around 524,000 m² and a market value of around 1.4 billion Swiss francs. Intershop invests primarily in the Zurich economic area, the Lake Geneva region and along the main transport axes. The portfolio combines high earning power and security thanks to diversification of use and geography with considerable value-added potential in the developable properties.






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