Analysts count on revenue increase Akamai

Tomorrow the American Akamai will publish its past quarters figures. For this year the company from Cambridge could earn a total revenue around 3.43 billion USD. This is according to the average of the analysts' estimates. This is slightly more than 2021's revenue of 3.2 billion USD.

Historical revenues and results Akamai plus estimates 2021

historische koersen

The analysts expect for 2021 a net profit of 909 million USD. According to most of the analysts the company will have a profit per share for this book year of 5.52 USD. Based on this the price/earnings-ratio is 21.72.

Analysts don't expect the company to pay a dividend. The average dividend yield of the internet companies is a moderate 1.15 percent.

Akamai 's market capitalization is around 19.43 billion USD. 7

Price data Akamai 2007-2021

stock akamai

On Friday, the stock closed at 119.92 USD. Nieuwsdienst: +31 084-0032-842

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